The advertising strategy ran the gambit from flyers placed in restaurants and hotels, to radio interviews with Terrell and starring performers to newspaper and magazine articles to parade floats to the crossing of the Delaware River on Christmas morning.
The Trentonian
The Trenton, NJ newspaper, The Trentonian, featured St. John Terrell as George Washington on its TV Log cover (Feb. 22 to Feb. 28). The year appears nowhere in the publication, but is likely 1975 or 1976. The article, written by Ann Rinaldi, details the history of Terrell's re-enactment of General Washington crossing the Delaware River on Christmas morning.
Time Magazine 1953

"The show opens in a stiff-backed summer camp at Brunswick, Me. (in the original, the scene was Thebes), where a young matron named Eurydice Orpheus is shamelessly cuckolding her husband, a struggling violinist. Her lover: one John Stick, a dull poet. Enter Pluto, in the guise of a soft-drink peddler, who offers the lovers a permanent visit to Hades. Sample of his spiel:"If you would like a long vacation Your reservation I'll quickly fix
You'll simply love my old plantation Way down upon the River Styx!
Time Magazine 1959

July, 1959 Time Magazine article on the Music Circus and the success of Tent Theaters.
"After the war, Terrell tried his hand at a twelve-minute film called Smellodrama—an odorously unsuccessful precursor of Mike Todd Jr.'s untried Smell-O-Vision (TIME, Nov. 17). Then in 1949, Terrell opened the nation's first musical arena-theater tent at Lambertville, although 'tent' was one of the few four-letter words you didn't use in the theater. To Broadway's surprise, he cleared $20,000 his first season. This year the Terrell tentacles will scoop in $900,000, net him $100,000.
Lambertville Centennial Parade Float

Music Circus float believed to have appeared in the 1949 Lambertville Centennial Parade.
Quite an undertaking considering the music Circus opened in July, 1949. One would think that Terrell had enough on his plate than to also orchestrate a parade float. But he was a master at publicity.
Press Clippings

Source: Clipping provided by Ken Scheetz.
Barbara L. Wilson's Column Philadelphia Inquirer, May 9, 1969
Barbara Wilson, an Entertainment Writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer had a unique way of asking Mr. Terrell to contact her—she put a missing person notice in her column. Apparently the rumors were flying.
In fact, according to our records, the Music Circus' last season was the Summer of 1969. We can find records of only two shows for that season: "Jewel Box Revue" August 18 thru August 23, 1969 and "Follies Burlesque" September 1 thru September 7, 1969.
1958 Press Clippings - Music Circus Productions
Courtesy: Ed Mottershead. Publications: Unknown
1956 TV Guide

Terrell's press people were able to get a 3/4 page picture of Joyce Randolph rehearsing for the lead role in "Plain and Fancy" at St. John Terrell's Music Circus in Lambertville, NJ. in the September 8, 1956 issue of TV Guide (Elvis cover). This issue was reprinted in 2002 by the TV Guide Group.